Weeding out harmful foreign weeds to protect crops and agriculture
By: Dipankar Chakraborty
Karnataka is under the siege of aliens, who have crept into its agricultural fields and if not stopped on their tracks, are likely to inflict far-reaching damage to its crops and forestry landscapes. The aliens are the ubiquitous weeds, the majority of them of foreign origin. They look innocuous; some of them even bear bright and colourful flowers.
The 'aggressive' weeds have become a source of a big headache for farmers and agricultural scientists alike, trying to control its spread. Nearly a decade ago when one of the alien weed species — Calyptocarpus vialis Less, also commonly know
n as Straggler daisy — was introduced in Bengaluru, nobody anticipated the pace of its unbridled expansion. Today, the invasive weed is found along roadsides, disturbed lands, moist and shady places of the city.
"The weed bears a tiny yellow flower and spreads like a carpet in gardens and nurseries. It is usually found dominating over Synedrella nodiflora, Cynodon dactylon, Malvastrum coromandelianum, Indigofera linnaei, Dyschoriste, etc.
Its invasive nature, high adaption for vegetative as well as sexual reproduction and not being grazed by cattle calls for immediate check for its spread in other parts of Karnataka and India," says Kavitha, an expert on weeds and postdoctoral fellow (UGC) at Botanical Garden, GKVK, University of Agricultural Sciences in Bengaluru.
Underlining the seriousness of the problem, the Convention for Biological Diversity (1992) terms the 'invasion of alien species as the second-worst threat after habitat destruction.'
Not much information on the dimension of the weeds' proliferation in southern India has been available over the last 83 years, except in the book 'A Handbook of some South Indian weeds' by Tadulinga Mudaliar and G Venkatanarayana, written in 1932. However, a recent study by Kavitha on the subject of aggressive weeds of Karnataka has thrown fresh light on a whole gamut of issues concerning weeds and the seriousness of the problem. Speaking to Bangalore Mirror about her research works on weeds compiled in A Handbook on Weeds of Karnataka, she says,
"Weeds are important not only because they are undesirable and obnoxious, but also because some of them act as alternate hosts in carrying various microbial pathogens, which causes diseases in crop plants resulting in the heavy yield losses in all crop fields. Many invasive alien plant species also cause heavy economic and environmental damage. Weeds also endanger biodiversity; affect human and animal health, aquatic ecosystem and grasslands."
The research is based on extensive field surveys and collection of all weeds and their associated field information during 2012-2015 at regular seasonal intervals. All the weed species collected are preserved as voucher specimens in the Herbarium of the botanical garden (UASB), GKVK, Bengaluru.
The identity and nomenclature of all weed species is checked with the help of available regional floras and other monographs. The study covers 347 weedy species belonging to 227 genera and 70 families occurring in various agroecosystems of Karnataka, says Kavitha.
Of the 70 weed families, Asteraceae is the dominant family with 41 weed species, followed by Poaceae (30), Fabaceae (28), Convolvulaceae (19), Malvaceae (19), Amaranthaceae (14), Acanthaceae (13), Euphorbiaceae (12), Cyperaceae (10), Solanaceae (10), Apocynaceae (9), Asclepiadaceae (8), Phyllanthaceae (8), Commelinaceae (7), Lamiaceae (7), Rubiaceae (7), Boraginaceae (6) species each.
Other families with one or two species have also been included by Kavitha in research on the weeds and their impact on agriculture.
"The dominant invasive weed flora across different agro-climatic zones found during our surveys are: Calyptocarpus vialis, Richardia scabra, Parthenium hysterophorus, Chromolaena odorata, Hyptis suaveolens, Alternanthera paronychioides, Alternanthera pungens, Ricinus communis, Mikania micrantha, Senna uniflora, Prosopis juliflora etc. In the aquatic systems species like Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia adnata, Lemna minor, Azolla pinnata are found to be aggressive," says the research fellow.
Weeds like Richardia scabra, Parthenium hysterophorus, Acanthospermum australe, Calyptocarpus vialis, Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus, Ambrosia psilostachya, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, and Alternanthera sessilis at higher densities compete with crop plants resulting in reduction of potential yields, a common factor in almost all agricultural fields of Karnataka, explains Kavitha.
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